Dental implants also help support the health of your jaw bone after tooth loss. After you lose a tooth, the tooth’s root is no longer there to stimulate the jaw bone when you eat, chew, and smile. In turn, the bone begins to weaken and deteriorate. Unlike alternatives such as bridges and partial dentures, dental implants attach directly to the jaw bone, providing that vital pressure to prevent bone loss. This preserves your natural bone structure and keeps your jaw strong.
Another big benefit of dental implants is that they look and feel completely natural. Your implant will feel just like a natural tooth when you chew, eat, and speak, and it will look just like a real tooth when you smile, thanks to the natural appearance of IPS Empress restorations. Dental implants do not require any special care. Simply continue to brush and floss properly and see Dr. Bancroft every six months for a teeth cleaning and oral exam, and your implant will remain healthy and strong.