Why are dental exams and cleanings essential?

Dental exams along with cleanings are an essential component to oral health because they help to maintain your teeth. We also at that time will show you how to improve your hygiene to keep your oral health at a high level and exams. We also make sure that you don't have any problems that are on your teeth or in your gums.

What is included in a dental exam?

Each time you come in and you're in the hygiene chair, when I come to do your exam, we first do an oral cancer screening as it's really critical to catch any oral cancer at a very early stage and that's where we can help. We also check the health of your teeth and the health of your gums so that again if you have any issues we can address them very early.

What is the dentist, in this case you, looking for during a dental exam?

I'm looking at the health of your gums to see if there's any bleeding, any puffy gums and I'm also looking at your teeth for any cavities which are holes in teeth, any broken fillings, any uneven wear, any concerns that you may have and that's a critical part of it too is I always want to make sure that I'm addressing anything that you may have on the top of your mind about your teeth and your oral health.

How long does the full exam take?

It takes about 10 to 15 minutes unless of course you have more concerns and I'm always happy to set up a consultation to go more in depth about anything that you'd like to discuss further.

Are dental exams painful?

The answer is no. I'm just there to take a look.

How can I schedule a dental exam?

Come in for your hygiene visits if you're already an existing patient. If you're a new patient please call our office and we're happy to set something up for you.